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React Router 5
Welcome to the course, here's some code to download (2:26)
React Router Documentation (0:47)
What exactly is a Single Page Application (SPA)? (5:42)
Basic Topics
01 - JSX Routing with BrowserRouter and Route (3:58)
02 - Route Matching - Inclusive vs Exclusive (exact) and Switch (2:47)
03 - Link (anchors) (2:24)
04 - BrowserRouter vs HashRouter (1:45)
05 - Dynamic (Parameter) Matching (4:25)
06 - Nested Layout Strategy (10:19)
07 - match.url (7:03)
08 - match.path (11:15)
09 - NavLink (2:05)
10 - withRouter HoC (1:49)
11 - Programmatic Navigation (History Object) (2:05)
12 - URL Query Strings (3:40)
Advanced Topics
13 - Route Render Methods (7:38)
14 - React Router - Just Components ™ (6:14)
15 - Authentication Strategy with Context (3:36)
16 - Authenticated Routes (Dynamic Routes) (5:41)
17 - Navigation With State (4:02)
18 - Prompt Before Route Changes (1:51)
19 - Animating Route Changes (Part 1) (8:46)
20 - Animating Route Changes (Part 2) (6:28)
React Router 5.1 (with Hooks)
What's new from React Router 5.0 to 5.1 (hint, we have Hooks now) (5:45)
13 - Route Render Methods
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